Welcome to my site!
Kristina Chin is a student at Howard Community College, working towards her Associates in Game and Simulation Design. She has four years of student experience in graphic design, and is proficient in GIMP, Adobe Illustrator, and Photoshop. She also has three years experience as a student in HTML, and a basic knowledge of CSS. Her works range from traditional drawing, digital photography, graphic deign, 3D modeling, and painting. Her work has been featured in the Walters Art Museum for the 2012 Doodle for Google exhibit in which she was a finalist for the state of Maryland.
"Here is a collection of what I deem my best works in the different categories of art that I have explored.
You can find more of my work, and information about me on my DA Portfolio, linked through any images on this page.
I hope you enjoy viewing my online gallery."
-Kristina Chin
Traditional Paintings |
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Digital Art |
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Traditional Drawings |
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Digtial Photography |
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- When designing the pieces in my portfolio, I took into consideration the style that I felt would be most dynamic and pleasing, and how to make sure the content looks most interesting for other viewers. I choose light on dark for writing since I thought it was easy to read, but still standing out of other pages. I also used art pieces that I've done in the past and created a background to incorporate with the template for Blogger. For all of my posts I tried to incorporate pictures to help the reader focus on the topic or make them more interesting.
- I think that the final product was worth the time I put in since I created something that I liked visually and served it's purpose of my portfolio.
- What I would do differently next time is think more about how other people might have issues in certain choices that I made with art in mind, and instead make sure it's more functional for more people, and I did have some complaints about the font and colors, which I tried to edit while keeping to the feels I wanted.
- I have mastered basic HTML by learning the differences between the HTML I was used to working with before HTML 5, and being able to adapt to HTML 5. Creating the webpage was very helpful in mastering this skill as I learned which tags were decremented, such as the align tag, which is one I used frequently.
- In communicating online, I learned how to better keep my tone professional, since I am more used to speaking with friends online. I learned to keep smile faces and terms such as LOL out of my commentary. I also learned more ways of communication, such as with a tool like canvas.
- Digital ethics was an incredibly interesting topic that I feel I learned most about. I hadn't realized that there are some types of content that just anybody can use, such as content from a hundred years ago, and I also learned more about copyright laws and making sure that not infringing somebody's copyright. I also learned more about the legal issues that accrued with the SOPA and PIPA bills and how they were misrepresented to the public.
- Evaluating online content was a skill I had previously learned, although I did learn more about how to follow up by checking out the person who writes the article and what authority they have.
- Information security is also something I learned more about as I learned that updating my passwords is a necessity and well as being careful about sites that use my information. Making sure that the site is secured for example.
- I think that Internet business was an interesting topic, but not one that I can see myself getting into as a serious business. The problems, for example that I learned about it is how to organize things that I'm selling, paying for storage space and the ways to ship it out to other people. And I think that I wouldn't be able to get into a certain market or specialize anywhere successfully.
- Web 2.0 was something new that I learned deals with how the Web has developed from it's initial state of being individual pages that only the government, companies, and schools could access, but now is a huge linkages of many pages connecting anybody with Internet access, and allows anyone to post content.
- i learned about the different ways to search for information on the internet, besides just Google. I had not know before about networks provided by the school for example, or about meta searches although I had used one before. Although I think that Google is the most reliable and easy to use, I still think I'll try using the school's search for class assignments int he future.
- I think the Internet as a technology has comepletely changed our way of working and communicating with each other daily. We can now speak with people globally, through email or even video chatting. We can share news, ideas, stories, any type of information.
- I enjoyed this project because I was able to customize it in a way that helped me value it as a work piece. I think that using more Internet tools was a fun and engaging way of learning more about the internet in this course.